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Federal State Budgetary Institution «Central Research Institute of geological prospecting for base and precious metals» (FSBI “TsNIGRI”)

129-1 Varshavskoye Shosse
117545 Moscow, Russia
Tel/fax: +7 495 313-18-18

General Director: Chernykh A.I.

FSBI “TsNIGRI” is subordinated to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation’s Federal Agency on Subsurface Use.

Minerals: diamonds, gold, silver, platinum-group metals, copper, lead, zinc, nickel, cobalt.

FSBI “TsNIGRI” offers its services for federal initiatives:

• Russian mineral base: status and use
• Global mineral markets. Use of best foreign practices
• Program implementation in the Russian diamond, precious and base metal (DPBM) mineral base development and use
• DPBM deposit forecasting, prospecting and evaluation methods, techniques and technologies
• Introduction of innovative rock and ore composition study methods to prospecting activities
• Forecasting/prospecting deposit models
• Identification and validation of forecasting/mineragenic and prospecting work areas
• Expert and methodical support of federal prospecting
• Inferred resource expertise and approval
• Geological and economic deposit evaluation
FSBI “TsNIGRI” offers the following services to subsurface users:
• Diamond, precious and base metal deposit forecasting, prospecting, evaluation and exploration
• Technical and economic estimations of deposit development feasibility
• Information and consulting services