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Exploration Services

NIZHNEAMURSKAYA GORNAYA KOMPANIYA is the biggest exploration company in the Far East, with fifteen years of experience in the area of comprehensive exploration of deposits of natural resources. Following are the key activities of the company:
• mining and drilling work combined with geological, topographic and geodesic support;
• hydrogeological and geotechnical work; and
• analytical research.
The company is proud of its drilling speed and quality. In 2017-2018, the drilling footage for a normal section, was not less than 3,000 m/rig per month.
In order to perform the work, the company employs some highly qualified staff and uses the following advanced equipment: drilling machines Boart Loanger, bulldozers and trucks. The company has mobile sample preparation units and analytical laboratories at its disposal.
Over 15 years, our company has performed survey and exploration at more than 70 sites of the Siberian and Far East Federal Districts. Based on their results, 10 ore dressing plants have been built, or are under construction.