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Institute of Geotechnologies (IGT)

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Institute of Geotechnologies (IGT) was founded in 2003 and is the base brand of the entire IGT Group. Our strengthsare multidisciplinary qualifications and experience, the use of non-standard solutions, knowledge and successful application of the world's best geological exploration practices, obtained in close cooperation with the world's leading mining, consulting and engineering companies. For 19years of work, we have raised the bar high in the culture of conducting field and office work and fulfilling obligations to customers.Currently, the IGT Group includes the Institute of Geotechnologies, IGT-service and IGT-Sky Group. All enterprises are private, not affiliated with any state, financial or industrial group, and although all enterprises are associated with prospecting and exploration of mineral resources, they operate in different technological areas. All companies of the Group are residents of the Moscow State University Science Park. M.V. Lomonosov.IGT today is the primarily geological audit, consulting, geological design, development and implementation of the most modern methods of prospecting and exploration for precious and non-ferrous metals.
Depending on specific projects and customer requirements, IGT performs an analysis of their raw material base, provides recommendations for verification and updating of reserves, prepares databases and three-dimensional geological and mathematical models of reserves and resources, organizes,and performs resource qualification and reserves in international (JORC, NI 43 101, etc.) and domestic (GKZ of Russian Federation) formats.
Phone / Fax: +7 (495) 220.85.54 / +7 (495) 246.85.54
Address: 119234, Russia, Moscow, Leninskie Gory street, vl. 1, bldg. 77, "Science Park of Moscow State University", office 1-104