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ALROSA is the world’s largest diamond producer in carat terms with the world’s largest resource base. The company accounts for 90 percent of Russia’s and 28 percent of global diamond production. ALROSA has 10 open pit and underground kimberlite mines and a number of alluvial operations in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and Archangelsk region in the north of Russia. ALROSA units are located in the Mirny district of Yakutia, Novosibirsk and Moscow as well is in the global diamond hubs. ALROSA employs over 30,000 people, providing them with good working conditions and career opportunities. More than 2,000 of ALROSA geologists conduct prospecting and exploration works at brownfield and greenfield sites in Yakutia, Archangelsk region, Siberia and Trans-Baikal territory. ALROSA Group is one of the industry’s leaders in terms of social investments. The company provides financing for various social projects in the region where it operates, supporting infrastructure, education, culture and sports.